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How do you use TypeAccord & why did you first join?


TA Friend
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2003 Accord CM2
Hey guys,

I was wondering, how do you, the members, use/browse this forum?

How often do you check in? Daily? Weekly? Only when you have a problem?

Do you view all active topics? Do you only look at sub-sections that interest you? Do you mostly lurk and only post when something really grabs your attention? etc...

For example, I check in numerous times a day, in a social capacity I guess you could say. When I have a spare ten minutes or whatever. I've bookmarked the "View Active Content" which is selectable in the bottom right hand corner of the forum. I click on my bookmark and it shows me all the current discussion from all parts of the forum.

Another interesting thing would be why did you sign up in the first place? Did you have a problem with your car? Were you simply looking to chat with like minded Accord owners? Were you looking for inspiration for modifications? Did you stumble upon the site and join up? Were you recommended? Did you just want to show off your awesome ride ;)

Any feedback on this could help future developments and give us a better idea of the way the community tends to use this forum, and if/how we could maybe work to better your experience.

Any and all feedback greatly appreciated guys. Thanks in advance.

I check in every time I'm online.

I generally view the Technical boards, faults and fixes (and diy) you could say rather than the detailing/mod side of it.

I was a relatively new member of THAOC before its demise so was glad to find most of the guys so signed up here.

I think the Modifying, Faults and DIY subsections were a great idea, it certainly helped organise and made it easier to find pertinent information in the Tech Boards.

Any changes I would like to see would be another two sections in the Tech Boards being Other Honda and Other Vehicles and maybe a section on Tools and Parts - experiences, quality, OEM or 3rd party, ebay supplies.
Steve, being candid I signed up to tap into the wealth of knowledge on this site, since I became an Accord owner again. Generally, I look at the 6th Gen sub section as that's what I own. I post there also, a bit of a blog on my machine plus asking for advise and will give it if I can. Other than that I'm sort of useless as member, sad to say even if I log on daily. Sorry, I know I'm not the ideal member but I still enjoy the site and appreciate the input from all involved.
I signed up for technical ***istance. . but once I was a more established member I began to feed back in information like DIY's and ***isting out members in fixing their issues. .

checked daily. . most of the time
I look at TA far more than my number of posts might suggest. It's always the 3rd open tab in my browser (after email & FaceAche, but before eBay -the fourth).

As a 7th Gen diesel owner I concentrate there, but I aspire to an 8th Gen so it's good to know what I might be getting into. The 'recently added topics' pane is excellent. On no account chop this feature!

I joined after I got the car to help bolster my confidence on the spanners having been away from them for so long. I only really tackle routine service stuff, but the lack of a Haynes makes TA absolutely invaluable. By way of returning the favour I've contributed a few DIYs where I think they might help someone else out ;)

The unexpected bonus, that keeps me checking the threads, is the fact that there is such a good community on here. The language, attitudes, generosity of time, spirit and knowledge make it a nice place to be (unlike too many other forums). It feels like you're amongst friends and no (sensible) question or comment will result in derision or exclusion. And that's in every field of endeavour -not just about Accords (i.e. the chat rather than the technical threads). I guess that's the benefit of bring together a such a wide group of like minded people from different backgrounds and areas of the country (world!).

In short, keep up the good work people :D
I generally click in every day but depends on other life stuff going on, sometimes I'll just have a quick look from the phone when I'm on the loo (we all do that, right?). If work's slow I might be on here a few times a day. My spanner rating is low but I'll help out in threads that I know about.

Usually I come straight in and click 'View New Content', or otherwise I use 'My Content' from the user drop down.

Reason for joining is because I always join the owners club of the car I own. On my birthday each year I currently get 22 emails from various forums :lol:
I usually manage to get on every day, add some thoughts and try to give some advice if I think I can.

I came back here after a nasty experience on another Accord site, heavy handed mods forcing their opinions down everyones throats and pathological hatred of any non Honda car!

The mods on here are not heavy handed, well done to Brett, Steve and the others.
I mostly check the technical area,but I do browse other areas too.

More of a lurker I suppose as I dont know anybody here,but I like to help if I can.:)
Thanks for the feedback so far guys. Very nice reading, interesting and helpful.

Sorry, I know I'm not the ideal member...

Useless members are spammers and trolls. Otherwise, there's no such thing as a useless member. All aboard the TA train I say :lol: . The more the merrier. Never consider yourself useless. You own and drive an Accord and therefore have experience that will one day be of use to someone. Don't underestimate or discard what you bring to the community.

More of a lurker I suppose as I dont know anybody here

Like Huskyman says, it's the Internet. Most don't know each other off the forum. What I've found is I've developed a rapport with many members and over time you get a sense of the kind of people they are. You may feel compelled to PM members from time to time for whatever reason and then I met them some at a meet a while back for the first time, and although it was the first time I'd met in person, because of the banter and chat you have online, it was just like catching up with someone you'd known for ages. Very positive in all and it restores faith in the power of the internet to bring people together and make new friends with likeminded people. There are many people here I've not met in person yet, but look forward to when I finally do as I know we'll get on just as well as we do here, if not even better in person.

Anyway, keep the feedback coming people. This all serves to be very helpful and if/when we make any future changes to the forum, this kind of info is vital to help make better informed decisions.

Was on THAOC, saw the members came here, joined here.

However, the reason for joint THAOC was becuase i was in need for a forum in the UK that was solely Accord. CB7tuner is a 4th gen specific forum in the US, and im not going to lie, its epic, over 10 years of DIYing and data and inspiration, BUT its in the US, therefore has the US culture, and is no use in reference to parts location and sourcing etc.

This is a 7th gen strong forum, but the people are from the UK and i can help people on here with what ever gen they have. I can also gain understanding of other gens from here.

People are great here, have met some, (granted not been to the last meet or 2 apologies)

Accord is more popular than its ever been here in the UK, its shaking off that old man image. Im trying to do my bit with that :p But an Accord should never be a Civic.
This is a 7th gen strong forum, but the people are from the UK and i can help people on here with what ever gen they have.

Cars tend to become popular when they're about 5 years old, so I guess this will become more of an 8th gen forum soon.
Indeed. We are seeing more and more 8th gen owners join up. I guess it's the natural progression. People who can afford to buy cars new, I imagine are less likely to be the kind of people interested in the culture of the car owners and/or DIY. It's people who see the cars on the road, wait till they can pick them up for sensible money and look to modify/DIY them. With Marcus though. Would LOVE to see more 4th gens on here. They're stunning stock, with their square lines etc, but once lowered and subtly modded... :wub:
Joined this forum once I'd bought my Coupe in August 2010.

Have always joined a forum relating to my car since about 2003 to be honest. Main reason for joining this one was the same as the other forums I've been on:

Always good to have a 2nd and 3rd opinion from here if I do get any problems
Good to just 'talk cars' with owners and about your own type in particular

I usually come on every other day. Will usually look for any V6 related thread first, but will then usually have a quick root through others as I'm a car enthusiast in general.
Guys I was a long standing member of THAOC
When the site went down TA was formed so most members came hear.
I was then asked if I wanted to be a mod hear and went from there.
I try and get on most days as this place is addictive lol
I joined because when i am looking to buy a new car i like to gather as much information about issues as possible before purchasing it,

What keeps me around is a very good DIY section with upgrades and mods clearly listed for each generation. I never buy a car as simply a mode of transport. My cars are my hobby as well as a method from getting from A to B.
I joined as above I purchased a 7th gen petrol and wanted to tap into the wealth of knowledge available. I am usually on everyday but more of a lurker as I don't have much advice to offer lol.
Answers in red.

How often do you check in? Daily? Weekly? Only when you have a problem?

I check in every other day.

Do you view all active topics? Do you only look at sub-sections that interest you? Do you mostly lurk and only post when something really grabs your attention? etc...

Mostly check 6th gen section as I own that followed by the general Honda section and then check random threads out that catch my eye.

Another interesting thing would be why did you sign up in the first place? Did you have a problem with your car? Were you simply looking to chat with like minded Accord owners? Were you looking for inspiration for modifications? Did you stumble upon the site and join up? Were you recommended? Did you just want to show off your awesome ride

I joined up for a number of reasons, which are:

- Technical help and knowledgebase, owners club are always full of people who will help out, so any technical issues rise up you can ask, and if you have knowledge yourself then you can help a fellow Accorder out.
- Being an Accord fan I wanted to be part of like minded fans and owners
I joined to chech the common faults on the 7th gen before buying one, and what to look for
Ended up buying the car also from a member of this forum a week ago ;)

Currently lioking and reading throughthe diy and the polishing treads
I joined to see what sensible mods were happening on the 8th gen , its good to hear advice and others opinions from so many other accord owners , i check every day now and will carry on doing so , im onto my 4th accord now and there must be a reason for that lol
I'm an old member of THOAC.. and have since been a lurker, very occasional poster.

I have to be shameful and admit I tend to frequent the other Accord forum more often than this one.. .simply because the design of this forum is quite distinctive, and from a distance my manager can see I am posting on a forum rather than doing work stuff! LOL. The other forum is a little more subtle.

It would be good to have a very subtle (almost corporate look?) design option available.

I find the strength of this forum is the better info on modifications, non-original equipment etc... The community is quite adventurous, as well as polite etc.

I'll probably be on here more often, as my love for my 7gen iCTDI is on the up again. Whilst she has been regularly maintained etc, I had kind of fallen out of love - but a summer of italian tune ups (trying to break her) has opened the engine up again - far more lively than before and the fact she powers on has my confidence in her growing :)

165k miles on the clock, and counting! I'm planning on treating her to a suspension refresh - will see how things pan out.
Alternate skins? This is a good idea actually. Maybe we could look into it. Another forum I use has this option. They're all silly and garish in that instance, but an understated, clean, white and grey layout that's more work safe could make a nice choice.
Bought an accord, and a friend of mine recommended me tsx forum. Google showed me this one, and i like this one more ;)
I check the various forums before I purchase vehicles - I used CivInfo a little for my previous car, foc-u.co.uk for my previous bike (Fazer) and street-triple.co.uk for my current bike (Triumph Street Triple). With ownership they are very helpful with "hints and tips" for keeping vehicles running smoothly (such as the bulk purchase of 0w30 oil for the Accord) as well as mods and tweaks. So in summary I probably look in the technical 7th gen forums as it's most relevant for me looking after my car.

Some forums are better than others - this is a good one!

I agree with the alternative skins - something light blue-grey and white to match MS Word would be subtle enough to not attract attention from my seniors at work :)
I check the various forums before I purchase vehicles - I used CivInfo a little for my previous car, foc-u.co.uk for my previous bike (Fazer) and street-triple.co.uk for my current bike (Triumph Street Triple). With ownership they are very helpful with "hints and tips" for keeping vehicles running smoothly (such as the bulk purchase of 0w30 oil for the Accord) as well as mods and tweaks. So in summary I probably look in the technical 7th gen forums as it's most relevant for me looking after my car.

Some forums are better than others - this is a good one!

I agree with the alternative skins - something light blue-grey and white to match MS Word would be subtle enough to not attract attention from my seniors at work :)
I check the various forums before I purchase vehicles - I used CivInfo a little for my previous car, foc-u.co.uk for my previous bike (Fazer) and street-triple.co.uk for my current bike (Triumph Street Triple). With ownership they are very helpful with "hints and tips" for keeping vehicles running smoothly (such as the bulk purchase of 0w30 oil for the Accord) as well as mods and tweaks. So in summary I probably look in the technical 7th gen forums as it's most relevant for me looking after my car.

Some forums are better than others - this is a good one!

I agree with the alternative skins - something light blue-grey and white to match MS Word would be subtle enough to not attract attention from my seniors at work :)

This should be your bike forum of choice .... http://londonbikers.com/forums/
I was recommended this forum by Pete Moore one of the fellas from Really Mean Sounds. N.I's number one car forum :p

He his a member here.

From the amount of reading I have done to date, the knowledge base here is fantastic.

Will be making it my first port of call for all things Accord related during my ownership. :D
I find I find I log on here every day to be honest. I used to be on THAOC before it was closed, but I only joined that as I bought an Accord .

I don't really have that much knowledge to share but anything I do try myself (changing front discs and pads) I will do a write up on and post on here.

I find that the members on here are really friendly and I can ask any question really no matter how stupid. I find that invaluable.
Was signed up to the old forum and changed to ta when the other went down... signed up here when a had my other accord.. got another so came back.. im on most days for a catch up with everyone and see if anyone requires advice or that... anyone needs me or that.. feel free to pm guys
Was looking for an Accord so I searched Google and found this place. Very friendly atmosphere. I've learned a lot and have been able to pass on the knowledge.