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Timing chain again?


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Faro, Portugal
accord tourer 2.2

I have a 2004 accord i-ctdi tourer, and replaced the timing chain, (complete job) a few months ago.

The car made a diferente noise imediatly after, some whining noise when acelerating.

I went to HOnda again, thei said that the sound was normal because the new tensioner is more stronger....

Then, I ordered to change the alternator belt just in case, but the whining noise remains the same.

Went to HOnda again, but they say nothing about it, just that the noise is normal becaus e the neu tensioner.

I think the chain is overtensioned!

The noise is audible inside the car and is disturbing and anoying...

Need some opinion please
The Accord diesel is well known for making a strange off-putting whining noise, mine does it, it's something to do with the variable geometry turbo I believe.
Don't worry It's normal. Mine was the same after chain replacement. If you use 0-30 and do changes with filter every sub 10k that chain will outlast the car I'm sure.
Also if your that worried get a Vid up of the noise so we can listen
I notice that after the timing chain job, the engine dinamics are totally diferent... until 2000 rpm does a disturbing clattering noise and no power. But no smoke. went to Bosch diesel center for a week and they said it was an internal problem relationed with timing.
Honda official continue to say that the noise is diferent because the new parts mounted. But after 10 000 Km the engine is even worst, and I feel its degradating every day. HOnda refuses to accept the bad job they have done.
Tomorrow I'm going to honda official again and write down a formal complain so they can have some thinking about the subject once they have the ISO 9001 Certificate, and they have to give an answer and a solution!
You sure it's not the pre-pilot your hearing. when you say upto 2000rpm is that on part throttle it makes the noise.

As your concerned about the workmanship then you right in airing your concerns with Honda HQ in your country.
From what you say, it sounds as though your replacement chain and/or tensioner was incorrectly fitted... hopefully you have some written statement from Bosch to show to Honda?

Not sure how this is an ISO 9001 issue? The traceability of parts wouldn't prevent them being fitted badly, nor would written work instructions if they were not properly followed (which is going to be difficult to prove). I think evidence of a problem, as found by Bosch, would better support your complaint.
Hi . I have the same sound after chain was changed. It really sounds like noisy gearbox, but it got nothing to do with it. Yes , ,sound goes from chain and I don't know what to do.I can't blame mechanic because I did it myself with help an experienced mechanic who worked for honda. I'm 100% sure that everything was done properly ( we spent 2 days on it). The new tensioners weren't that strong. Have you got any suggestions. Nelson , maybe you can tell me more about this.
As per my other post I have the exact same problem with whining, no change in engine dynamics what so ever, I'm a honda technician and did the job my self so am happy with the repair, just not this whine. I do also get a light rattle or "chainy ticking" when I decelerate, they all do this but mine is worse than any I have heard before since the new chain and I'm stumped... Honda technical are also!
Did you changed all parts including sprockets? How long ago it was done. I got mine done month ago and it is since. I can hear mine down below so i think it could be small chain. How is yours?
Did you changed all parts including sprockets? How long ago it was done. I got mine done month ago and it is since. I can hear mine down below so i think it could be small chain. How is yours?
I replaced all sprockets, both chains both tensioners and pump chain guides, didn't change timing chain guides, only did pump guides as I had spare guides in my tool box. The tensioners I received were slightly different so I swapped my timing chain tensioner back to the old one.... No different.

I have covered 750 miles sine I changed mine last month and it's getting louder and more defined... It's getting more rattly now also on deceleration, was silent at tick over but now has an audible "chain noise"
I changed everything except top sprocket and double one. I reckon it could be tensioner. I thought it was old sprockets with new chain but your case clears my doubts. Maybe is worth check it through the view in cover. Please let me know if you do it and what is state of tensioner. Could be stuck or else. I wonder if this is common thing after chain was done.
I have already swapped back to my old tensioner, made no difference but i haven't changed the pump tensioner as the sump needs to come off so not got that far yet.

I'm confident the noise is not down to your original sprockets, it's good practice to replace them but I have swapped chains on their own and never had this noise... Or problems.

Just out of interest, we're your new tensioners the same as your old ratcheting type ones or were they free floating?
I used all Genuine honda parts, never heard one like this before other than a few people on these forums with similar or the same noise.
I had the new tensioners "free floating".They been slightly different to originals but genuine honda. I used febi chains. They exactly the same as honda but tree times cheaper. I know four people who got them in hondas and they ok.
Yea i have used several febi chains on non honda and never had a problem, certainly don't think that's causing the whine anyway

Here is a video clip of mine, the engine drowned out most of the rattling as I held it a bit close but you can hear the whine. Would like to hear yours if you can get a clip up?
I can clearly hear chain rattling and whining goes with revs. This rattling doesn't sound good. Mine only whining and it sounds same as yours. I will get some record.
I don't like that rattle but most ctdi engines do it to some extent so it doesn't worry me as much as the whine, the fact it rattles a lot, and the chain is new is disturbing but as it's not a noise that's unusual I can live with it. As for the whine, I'm stumped, honda technical say it's not a known issue the other techs at work have no idea, I don't want to replace it for no reason but equally I can't risk it failing.
I don`t know what to say. It is hard decision. I just trying not to think about it. I have journey to Poland in two weeks and this is going to be the test for my car . It is over 2400 miles there and back. Bit scary.
Sorry I had no time to record a noise of my engine ,will do it shortly.
Yea hopefully it will be ok, might even quieten down over time, all I know is in 780 miles mine has got a bit louder and "grindy" can also hear the links of the chain clicking with the whine.
Ross I would suggest to inspect the tensioner it might been stacked. As you probably know it is powered by oil pressure and there are small channels inside. It might be cluttered. Your chain is new and if you can hear it,then it is loose. To me it seems to be the tensioner.
That's a good theory, I will inspect it soon and report back, it's a shame it's the pump chain causing the noise as there is no easy access like the timing chain.
Taking sump off is a pain. You'll need to jack up an engine about 60mm to remove it. But it goes in easier(in my case:) ). Undo a ac compressor was a challenge. Not a good access and long bolts.
Might have diagnosed the problem, need to confirm for sure with a stethoscope but suspect it's the vacuum pump which is driven by the chain, the new tighter chain might have caused the bearings to go noisy, weird the noise was instant after the new chain, would expect it to take time to go noisy but I will try to diagnose further and report back
Just got the video done with noise on mine 2.2.

Can't wait for your results because my sunds exactly the same. Noise on my was immediately when first started after change ,it small chance that this is vacuum pump. New tensioners were not that strong as old ones. Maybe tensioners are faulty.
I believe the new tensioners are not supposed to be as strong, I could push the new tensioners in with my finger where as the old ones was a struggle, if the chain were loose it would clatter or rattle which is why I think the whine sounds like its due to being to tight but I changed my timing chain tensioner so that only leaves the pump chain.

I think the vac pump is a possibility, the bearings may have been worn over the years and the new tighter chain is causing is to run rough on the already worn bearings, hence the instant whine which progressively gets worse.