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Fire is the answer! CDTI Inlet manifold cleaning.


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Re-fitting everything to my new motor sunday, not much would shift the inlet manifold EGR crud.

I can to the conclusion that I needs to burn it out.

I got it lit with a plumbers blow torch, pointed the inlet into the wind, and let it get on with it.
It burnt for over an hour. This was 148k of diesel crud.

If you haven't had an EGR blank, get one ASAP!


(Sorry for the portrait video - I'm a phone spaz)

We tend to soak them in petrol and an acid solvent mix for a few hours and then use a hard bristle brush.. It does need a few attempts though and then a high pressure jet wash.

Bottom line though, you need to do whatever works for you
I tried everything first, and one of my mates was adamant I needed to burn it out.
In the end I conceded and tried it, but it was my last resort.
If I had a compressor, and could've blown more air through it, I'm sure it'd burn through in less than half the time, and make some awesome flames!

Most of the burnt crud just banged out, and then it got another good scrub with some old petrol.

This is the only 'after' pic I have.
Far better than the 4-5mm of snot stuck in there before.


Let it be a lesson to all the doubting Thomas's who think EGR's are a good idea
More air looks to be the way forward.

Not sure what health and safety would think though?

Intake manifold - does anyone know if it can be dipped in caustic soda to remove the soot? Will the alloy be ok? :wacko: Gotta get mine off. Fahad blanked off the EGR yesterday. The crud I could see through the port in the manifold looked horrendous!
Think I've just answered this myself! According to tinternet Caustic Soda will disolve alloy. Doh! Nice try Mossyman.... :blush:
Brake cleaner was the best non-fiery solution I found.

Letting it burn took all the effort out of it, and was far less messy than the alternatives.

I used contact cleaner an an old 1/2" paintbrush on the sensor in the intake.