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honda accord 1998 petrol


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west lothian
honda accord 1998
Hi. I need some help with a starting problem on my accord. When I switch on ignition there is no 'green spanner light' and the car will not start. This light is intermittent and when it does come on the car starts and runs fine. I have replaced the ignition switch but fault still keeps happening and is very unreliable. Anyone any ideas? where is the main relay situated, that has been suggested as the fault, by the forum? thanks in advance.
kennymcd said:
Hi. I need some help with a starting problem on my accord. When I switch on ignition there is no 'green spanner light' and the car will not start. This light is intermittent and when it does come on the car starts and runs fine. I have replaced the ignition switch but fault still keeps happening and is very unreliable. Anyone any ideas? where is the main relay situated, that has been suggested as the fault, by the forum? thanks in advance.
Sorry, should have said the 'green key' light not the 'green spanner' light
I don't know the answer but you could try a forum search using the word 'immobiliser' as this has come up before I think.
Its up above the drivers footwell, above the accelerator pedal from memory. If you turn the key before starting the engine you should hear (possibly feel it) click.

It looks like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=honda+accord+main+relay&rlz=1C1LAVG_enGB416GB417&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1Dw8VOu4EaWS7AbGqICoAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1366&bih=643

Usually the solder joints crack as mentioned on some forums and on youtube so if you can get it off, have a (close) look.
