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REVIEW DIY - Mugen Grill and lower grille


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W. Yorkshire
Jaguar XF S
Well here are the pics!


The Mugen grill is a girect fit for the car....quite easy to install once you have the 4 clips at the bottom out!

First take off the 11 clips to remove the radiator cover you then have to reach below the grill and pull out the 4 clips which are securing it underneath...you may want a flat head screwdriver and a lot of patience here! Once i removed these 4 clips i didn't insert them again..instead i used cable ties!

The lower grill was made by myself and i find it very very good that i did as well...i was not prepared to have a hole in my radiator! Shame i didn't take a photo of the radiator before..but the fins were very very smashed up....i got a bit worried so took steps to reduce the risk of damage.

I had to make a template myself and got some RGM plastic meshing (never use the metal stuff...they rust) and also some door edge guard, 4 cable ties, license plate mounting tape, bits of black plastic from a box, some long ethernet wiring....and some ingenuity to attach the cable ties :wink:

The end result is very OEM looking and now no more worries about stones hitting my radiator!!

If anyone needs any more info please post.

One suggestion DO not use any type of metal mesh unless you really want to scratch up your bumper during install..this plastic stuff is very good I may just replace the metal meshing on the Mugen grill with it also.

I may put more details about install if anyone wants it...I may even make the grill for people who want it! but we'll see....tell me what you think
UPDATED 22/5/08 fitting lower grill

Parts list: 1x mesh grille
2x reinforcing trim (door edge trim)
4x plastic stoppers
12x cable ties with wires attached (the cable ties should be bent and sure if you have to add some together..can’t remember lol) DO NOT CUT OFF THE ENDS OF THE CABLE TIES AFTER WHERE THE CABLES ARE ATTACHED!

1)***emble the grille by adding the reinforcing trim to the top (longer) and bottom (shorter). NOTE: the grille has 2 sides one side is nicer/smoother - This faces outside – I’ve curled the grill in the direction that faces outside.

2)Test fit the grille and mark positions where you want to fit the plastic stoppers and also where you want to locate the cable ties. Here is a diagram of the layout

3)clean the lower bumper where you want to fit the stoppers…REMEMBER Stoppers go BEHIND the grille and take into account the width of the grille when sticking on the stoppers!!.

4)test fit the grill again to make sure fitment of the stoppers are ok.

5)Now thread cable ties through the grill….wires first IMPORTANT!! Thread the wires round the central rib of the lower bumper and back through the hole in the grille that you want the cable tie to go through. The wires should be long enough for you to be able to manoeuvre the grille around while threading the cables..see pics below for help.


6)Pull the wires through while locating the grille into position…the wires will pull the cable ties through the hole you threaded with the cable….see pics for help.

7)Once you have the cable tie out you need to remove the wire before you secure the ties…and that’s it!