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Clutch possibly going out?


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Accord 2.2i-DTEC
So, I put my foot down and the revs shoot up to 3-4k but then drop back a few hundred, Like acceleration is turned off temporarily, so I back off the throttle a bit and the revs start climbing again.
Don't notice it much in 1st or 2nd, worse in 3rd and 4th.
Is this a sign of the clutch going?
Yep that’s clutch slip I’m afraid.. could be just a temporary blip so keep an eye but if it persists and gets progressively worse, time for a clutch.
Not temporary, been doing it a while now. What is your place charging for a clutch replacement these days?
you can pm me that if you don't want to advertise it.
Any cheaper if I source the parts?
That sounds like a ridiculous amount and more than my car is worth at present.
Exactly my intensions, only does it when I'm booting it. I'm on 193779 miles now ( did oil and filter today ) wonder how long it will last until it's completely knackered.
Looking back, I seem to have been very lucky with cars, I'm 60 now and never had to replace a clutch on any of the vehicles I've owned.
Just found the paperwork from the previous owners clutch replacement at 140114 miles.
He had clutch plate, cover and bearing and dual mass flywheel done, 6 hours labour, cost was £1049 in 2015
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For the 7th gen my local has quoted a shade under £2000.
Way too much, get more quotes
It seems to me that the dual mass flywheel costs more than the clutch kit combined, so how do you know if that needs replacing at the same time?
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Way too much, get more quotes
It seems to me that the dual mass flywheel costs more than the clutch kit combined, so how do you know if that needs replacing at the same time?

The quotation included the DMF though like you, I am winging it for now since some days there is almost no slip at all. A trip to the coast earlier in the week for example and she was happy all the way at 60-70ish.

I did scrub off the glazing by kerbing it two years ago and that helped a lot, but I'm not risking it again.
I’m sure I read somewhere that it’s best to fit a Civic clutch instead as it’s a better clutch