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condensation in headlights


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Noticed that there is a lot of water condensed on the inside of the glass and wondered if the glass can be removed from the front or are they a sealed unit?
There appear to be grey clips on the top of the glass but am scared to prize them off without knowing the answer.
I've read other posts where a hair dryer or heater are used to prise the glass away from the unit.

To fuse them back together silicon sealant is used.

I would recommend reading other posts about how effective this is long term first before giving it a go.
There were issues with this on the 7th gen.
A quick fix is put silicon bags in the headlights and change now and then to dry the bags out
i fixed my headlights a couple of months ago. used a hairdryer to warm the headlamp up gently from the front to evaporate the condensation , whilst i held a dyson hoover hose to the high beam bulb aperture to pull out the humid warm air.

spent about an hour on each lamp and got some funny looks from my neighbours as i did this on the drive :lol:

the placed new 100g bags of silica in the rear of the lamp, and they are still dry today