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Driver floor never dry for half year


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Well, the car got me puzzled, as the topic state, I've got wet floor which on driver side, last few day I took the plastic trim out and trying to take the partial carpet out and run a water hose right from the windshield, and eventually found a big hole from the body inside the arches which had a wire feed through it without any grommet, so I got the hole seal by adhesive sealants, but that doesn't end the story!
The carpet still keeping wet after that! inside is the sponge is alway stay soaked! And the water is clear and cool. I believe my car has some water coming from outside but also inside.. Any idea where possible some water will come down there.
I got the car to fix this problem by the garage people since last year December, some grommets replaced under the car, but this time, I don't think water come from under as there no wet road going on recently.
Any help appreciated

I had a similar problem with my Accord - turned out that a sunroof drain had become detached and any excess water was draining down the A-pillar in to the cabin. Other things worth checking would be door seals.

Is there any dampness higher up in the cabin or is it just in the footwell?
Hi, my tourer hasn't got sunroof, I took everything apart yesterday, and run the water right from the windshield again to check to leak, and I found a leak which coming from the arch where the door latch line feed through, it has the rubber grommet, but, the rubber has a big hole on it! Hence water come down into it and into the driver side foodwell!
I quickly use sealants to seal them hopeful it cures the water coming in! But I have a question as the carpet inside has never been try since I notice couple of year ago, I start to think if there water coming from the actual car as well as the outside,
Like a AC water etc.. Anyway, I'll wait and see they have any more water squeeze from the sponge, the door seal condition is good and no leak from there, thanks anyway.
I had this problem on the passenger side. Check the rubber seal at the bottom corner of the windscreen, if it's raised even slightly it's enough to let water find it's way inside. Fix with some black silicone sealer from your local factors which costs a few pounds.Make sure that the water is running to the drainage hole at the body.

After quite a few torrential rain storms, the fix remains good. Hardest (after the fix) was getting the underfloor padding dried. I used some dehumidifier bags like these http://www.amazon.co.uk/LARGE-DEHUMIDIFIER-MOISTURE-ABSORBER-EATER/dp/B00AZZB5UY they did a good job of drying out the car!