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Sat Nav/AC/Info system

Hello from portugal
I now samoane whit the same probleme,after a long periode of teste and the wiring diagrame ****ising i think that i find it.
In my opinion is the fuse box in the engine compartement (provide the 12 v to the navigation sisteme),there is a drope tension.the solution is change the fuse box in my opinion.
Before change the parte you must change it for un other car too try.Good look(im sory for my bad english)
Welcome to TA... Plenty of portugese brethren here.
Hello from portugal
I now samoane whit the same probleme,after a long periode of teste and the wiring diagrame ****ising i think that i find it.
In my opinion is the fuse box in the engine compartement (provide the 12 v to the navigation sisteme),there is a drope tension.the solution is change the fuse box in my opinion.
Before change the parte you must change it for un other car too try.Good look(im sory for my bad english)

Thanks for the advice, your English is much better than my Portuguese!

When you say fuse box do you mean the whole box or just the fuse for the Sat Nav?

By the way, does anyone have a wiring diagram for a 2003 Accord? Which is the fuse/fuses for the Sat Nav, the manual does not show these?
Inside the fuse boxe there are a ralé controle module.this parte controle the tension too the fuse from the navigation sisteme.you must change all fuse box
Well I'd given up on this problem. No one could come up with a solution other than get a new one! I had considered stripping it down bit time constraints mean that will never happen. Now this is bizarre; I had new battery fitted yesterday (as mentioned in another thread) and since then it's been fine! It works from the aux settings, I can start the car numerous times and it works, everything I've tried today had worked. I can't think of an explanation other than the capacitors needed a full discharge or something similar. A trouble bizarre situation that fingers crossed has been resolved, somehow!
This is a common problem on the accord my mums 03 tourer has the same problem my 05 accord tourer thank god hasnt got sat nav ive looked in to this to try and sort the problem out in the end i spoke to a m8 ive got at blade honda in cheltenham he said that its the DVD drive that goes on the blink you can send them away and have them fixed for a few hundred quid.
I had tracked down the problem the the dvd drive, an interruption in power causes the unit to shut down or in some cases not start at all. My next plan of action was to get a new dvd transport from Alpine (about £28) and replace that a long with the caps in the power supply. However like I've said removing the old battery see to have cured it, for the moment at least....just wait till I go out later!
I've just had this problem develop, but from what I understand, the sat nav is not supposed to stay on as you go from Aux 1/IGN to start. It will always re-boot itself unless you start your engine immediately without pausing when turning the ignition key. I'm very interested to hear that a new battery has solved your problem though. I was contemplating sending the DVD drive off to Alpine but a new battery would be far cheaper, although I can't figure out why it would solve the problem.
The system does reboot when you go from aux to start however it never worked for me, I'd just had a dead screen. The only way I could get it to work was a clean sweep from key in to start..so to speak. Recently it had been getting worse, many occasions it just come up with the 'error' screen. Since I changed the battery it worked fine, every start, aux to start back to aux back to start etc all worked. I must say I've not touched the car since Sunday so it could be back to as was, though even in that scenario it gives an indication of the problem.

My opinion from working with hi-fi for a number of years is a voltage spike is causing the problem, this would point to a problem with the power side on the dvd player most likely a capacitor has gone down. Easiest way to identify that problem would be a few 1000uF capacitors across the power supply or an inductor and capacitor filter across the power supply, sadly I don't have the time to do it or even take the unit out and give it a thorough testing. As to why the battery change would effect it; well the capacitors may well have had chance to discharge, there may well be a re-boot function that I managed to unknowingly activate or simply it's a freak one-off that wont last!

I must go out and see if it's still working.

Possible I suppose but I do check battery connections on a regular basis. Anyway, just been out and everything is still fine, can leave it on aux then start it and it's working. What ever has happened it seems to be sorted.
I think there's a lesson for all of us to learn from this. When faced with peculiar electrical/electronic faults it's always worth considering a change of battery before getting into more complicated (and expensive!) diagnostics and component replacement.

Modern cars have become very sensitive to battery condition and performance and if the battery's not up to scratch it can cause all sorts of bizarre problems. To make matters worse the old simple tests using a voltmeter and loadtester won't show up up a lot of battery problems.

For those of you who may be interested in the technical ins and outs here's a link to video by a chap called Frank Massey - www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgyWsit906w . He is very well respected within the auto diagnostics trade and has done videos on several other subjects in addition to this one - well worth watching if you're interested in the technical stuff.

You're right Alan. What's annoying is that I suspected the battery from day one, I mentioned it to garage who serviced the car who said it wouldn't be that (and fitted a new ignition barrel). It's still all working fine so it's looking increasingly likely the battery was shot from day one. Lesson for me is that any hint of battery trouble in the future and a new one goes on, it's not like they're that dear in the grand scheme of things. I should've really insisted on a new one before I bought it - live and learn.