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Tailgate resolved


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Fiat Punto
So I have been having tailgate issues on my 05 tourer for some time now. The unplug the battery and wait 5 minutes trick worked a couple of times but then stopped and it has been stuck for ages.

Then I started to get problems driving around if I stuck my foot down, it would sputter and choke, engine management light would come on and I'd limp for a bit.
Had a few other niggly things like the driver window would barely close on it's own, just creep upwards really slowly and often give up.

I got ready to get rid of it. Had it lined up for webuyanycar.com and would have taken anything to finally be rid of it.

Was trying the battery fix for the tailgate one last time when I got talking to a fella over the road who fits house alarms. It turns out he used to do a lot of car electrics and he spotted straight away a problem with my positive battery terminal. There are two main feeds coming to it and one of them had corroded away, lots of manky green stuff around the whole terminal too. Cleaned it all up, put a new crimp on the wire which had come off and suddenly all my car's problems stopped. Boot working, car accelerates fine, even the window seems a bit more perky.

Probably obvious to folks on here but I am not particularly into car maintenance so wouldn't know to look/check.

So if you are having tailgate issues, another thing to check is your battery terminals!
Amazing bit if luck there, glad it was a simple fix for ya. Always helps to grease up the terminals to keep the rain/moisture off i suppose, bit too late now but you'll know what to look for in future B)