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Tyre dressing



Can anyone recommend a tyre dressing that gives a matt finish?
Hmmmm i use meguairs endurance which if just left after applying is really wet looking, but if after application is wiped over that can leave a nice finish, but for what your after maybe try swissvax pneu its pricey but very nice.
Cliff, the Autoglym tyre dressing is pretty good.. and as the other Cliff says.. it you go over it, it will become a bit duller.
I use something called Hot Shine by Meguires. It's also great for black plastic trim.

When cleaning my mums focus there's lots of plastic trim on the outside of the car that won't come up clean, so i spray some of it onto a bit of kitchen roll and then wipe it over it. Leaves it looking shiny black for a about a week. I also use it on my grill on my car.