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Fuel filter change or not


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7th&8th gen tourers
Have just purchased service parts for full services on both my accords that includes transmission,clutch and brake fluids at a cost of £296 from HH my current fuel filter on 7th gen has done 41k and still seems to be going well, i know it says change every 25k any way should i change it or would you leave until if and when it gives me problems. And by the way full service parts for 8th gen were £50 cheaper than 7th gen ??? When i change clutch fluid will this make clutch pedal a bit firmer??
I'd say you've more than had your money's worth out of the filter you're running. Stick a new one whilst you've got the tools out and save yourself the hassle of an unplanned limp-mode trip home one night when you least need it.
At 41k, I'd definitely change it. Better to do a little preventative maintenance now than suffer a problem later on.
recommend changing, no need too wait for trouble when changin it wil keep you from gettin trouble if that makes any sense...# :lol: