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Please posts bugs here


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W. Yorkshire
Jaguar XF S
It's taken a while to get the forum looking like this...but still there maybe bugs....so if you find font's in the wrong place or can't read certain things please give a post here, I'll try my best to sort them quickly.
i get this:

[#CHAT-02] You do not have access to our chat room.

when i click on chat2 linky at top. Any ideas??? and im still a pre-member?????? huh?
the chat room is restricted for Admin use I'm afraid...maybe i should make that clear lol
okt hats cleared it up for em too..lol was worried for a min
I can't post an Avatar pic?
Cheers Alan. Got there in the end dude.
I'm struggling a bit trying to get a picture on my signature,

I'm using a MAC
you need to put the image url inbetween the [ img ]image url go's here with no spaces[ /img ] tags
Cheers dude, it's working now

Last night i was trying to use the add image option, in the end i just copy/pasted the address straight onto the sig box and that worked.
Seems I can't read *some* posts;
Elite remap feedback gives;
[#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in.
i think i got that once at the exact same time faddy moved the thread i was reading to a different part of the forum.
I have had an issue with posts auto-combining if you make sequential posts.

In other words, make one post (eg with 12 pics in), and then immediately make another post in the same thread, the forum software auto-combines the two posts. However, if they're both pic posts, then it merges the two posts but then won't display the later pictures because there's now more than 12 pictures in the post. Can you disable this auto-combine "feature"?
Just noticed that the time on posts is an hour out when I add or view things on my iPhone. Is it my settings somewhere?
I've got the iPhone and the forum changes to suit. The post you just put is timed at 08:08pm. Weird.
Guys can anyone open up Martin F new post because i cant
New bug - On the mobile site the "Mark all content read" button has gone. I currently have over 200 unread posts and it keeps growing by the hour. Can it be returned please?
Something strange, possibly just me lol. I cannot search the forum via the enter search, keep getting nothing found results. Not had any problems before.
the mark all as read was removed to make room for new content button but I'll work on trying to get it in somewhere :)

Tourerowner: which search are you refering to? the google search or the forum search and is it for the mobile skin or the main forum?
You can always switch to the full version to clear the unread threads.. otherwise perhaps it could replace oone of the lesser used functions in the mobile skin menu?
Tourerowner: which search are you refering to? the google search or the forum search and is it for the mobile skin or the main forum?

I've tried both searches, seems it's just me though which is most strange, as I've not had any problems before. My internet connection went down earlier as well, possibly that had something to do with it, goodness knows.
You can always switch to the full version to clear the unread threads.. otherwise perhaps it could replace oone of the lesser used functions in the mobile skin menu?

Remove the status update button perhaps???
yes the status updates is a bit useless! i will try to do it on the next update..hopefully soon.

Michelle have you tried to clear all your cache and internet history from your computer?
Michelle have you tried to clear all your cache and internet history from your computer?

Hey thanks, that worked......................wonder what happened there then lol. Never mind it is sorted now, thanks.
yes the status updates is a bit useless! i will try to do it on the next update..hopefully soon.

Michelle have you tried to clear all your cache and internet history from your computer?

Cheers Al :)
No posting or viewing problems, but today I have developed these minor problems...

My PM 'unread notifications' does not go back to zero after I have read the new PMs... I have to delete the PM to reset it.

The dropdown box under my username (top right hand corner) is permanently dropped down, so it covers the site search function.