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Whining noise at low revs


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Hi all,

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have noticed a ‘whining’ noise when at low revs, 1000-2000 whether moving or stationary. Any ideas what it is? Thanks.

Accord Whining noise
I had this a few months back and it got less noisy once warmed up. Got home switched off then cooled down a little then restarted and it was gone and have not had it since.
I'm thinking maybe intake shutter valve or some other valve stuck in an inbetween position causing air turbulence and then freed itself back up. Hard to say if it is exactly the same noise as would probably sound different in person but would go up in pitch when revved same as in your vid and was barely noticeable above 2000 revs. Also it drove fine with noise there. Mines manual not an auto, is yours still doing it?

Thanks for the reply. Yes unfortunately still doing it. It only started yesterday, when the Mrs drove it home from work. The car drives fine and pulls as usual. The noise seems to only be there between 1k-2k revs whilst driving slowish or stationary. Unless I just can’t hear it when driving faster.

I thought it may have been turbo related with the noise I am hearing. Hoping someone like @F6HAD with his expertise, may be able to shed some light on the issue.
I was going to suggest giving it a good hard drive to maybe sort it but i would wait til Fahad can maybe shed some light as he knows these engines inside out. Mine sorted itself out
I’ve not really heard this on an idtec before, sounds a bit like a tight aux pulley.. have you had your belt changed? Also have the pulley checked to make sure it’s nice and free.
Thanks F6HAD, the belt was changed last year so should be good. I’ll take a look at the pulley over the weekend
Well not sure what has happened, but I took the car for a drive yesterday after replacing driveshafts on both sides, and the noise seems to have disappeared?! Also the shaking/juddering has now been completely eliminated thankfully
Was it low on transmission fluid by any chance? Can’t think what else would link these scenarios together.
Nothing came out whilst changing the driveshafts. And I’m a bit OCD with checking the ATF level regularly, and do a drain/fill every 15k (yearly) to keep the fluid fresh. So I’m not sure really what was causing it.
So yours is an auto? Just wanting to know if i would need to drain my manual gearbox before attempting to replace passenger side
Cheers I'll start another thread to ask around. Good yours is now sorted. I've still not had the whining noise come back so who knows what that was