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Would you do this to your engine bay?

It wont cause no harm, anyway on the diesel nothing hot is really exposed and its not like I'm throwing buckets of the stuff over it. Tbh something like aerospace is better because it doesn't leave any residue which attracts dirt so the finish lasts longer that what I do now- there happy :p
When cleaning my engine bay I use Autosmart G101 and then to rinse off I use one of the 8L pressure sprayers from wilkinsons (the ones you use to spread garden treatments etc). That way you still get a decent rinse, and the small nozzle gets into hard to reach places, but no high pressure water forcing it's way into electrics etc.
When I clean my bay I start by covering all the electrical plugs,dizzy,air filter etc with tin foil. Il ri.se the bay,spray degreaser through my compressor,work this in. I then get my snowfoam lance and use this,work this in and give it 5mins then rinse off using my pressure washer. I then dry everything with mf cloths. Once dry I dress everything with wd40 and work this in with a paint brush and wipe clean, I polish any bits I can and sometimes apply wax to.

Done this on all my cars and have never had any problems :):-[